Allow yourself, for just a few seconds, to appreciate that by exploring this section, you have done something both courageous and mindful, that it is within you to take tiny and careful steps towards something that looks better than how now feels. In fact, now is already feeling better than a minute ago, because now you are thinking about making changes.
Stay with this feeling for just a few more minutes as we think about where we are, how we got here, and where we’re going if nothing was to change. What if, through exploring those dark and scary recesses of our innermost selves, we could uncover beauty, shiny things and light? We might develop ways of looking at the past that we don’t have just yet, tools and support that come from within, that can power us through our darkest moments from now and into what lies ahead. Life has been harsh, and it will be harsh again, but our way of looking at it and of coping with challenging memories, experiences and feelings can be significantly transformed.
We do have will power, discipline, and the ability to adapt and change our views. We can change, and we will, let’s make it for the better. Life is not static, it is dynamic and flowing, we can work with it, or against it. Our energy is the energy of all living things, whilst right now things may not feel properly connected; each and every one of us has it within ourselves to find peace and alignment with the universe.
‘Stuck-ness’ has many forms; our work together may be around one, or some, of the following:
Dealing with unwanted habits, addictions or behaviours like substance or alcohol dependency, eating disorders or violent tendencies
Childhood trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Personal or family crisis
Suicidal thoughts
Fear and Panic
Total Creative blockage
Re-integration (e.g. after prison, trauma, extended psychiatric intervention etc.)
Stay with this feeling for just a few more minutes as we think about where we are, how we got here, and where we’re going if nothing was to change. What if, through exploring those dark and scary recesses of our innermost selves, we could uncover beauty, shiny things and light? We might develop ways of looking at the past that we don’t have just yet, tools and support that come from within, that can power us through our darkest moments from now and into what lies ahead. Life has been harsh, and it will be harsh again, but our way of looking at it and of coping with challenging memories, experiences and feelings can be significantly transformed.
We do have will power, discipline, and the ability to adapt and change our views. We can change, and we will, let’s make it for the better. Life is not static, it is dynamic and flowing, we can work with it, or against it. Our energy is the energy of all living things, whilst right now things may not feel properly connected; each and every one of us has it within ourselves to find peace and alignment with the universe.
‘Stuck-ness’ has many forms; our work together may be around one, or some, of the following:
Dealing with unwanted habits, addictions or behaviours like substance or alcohol dependency, eating disorders or violent tendencies
Childhood trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Personal or family crisis
Suicidal thoughts
Fear and Panic
Total Creative blockage
Re-integration (e.g. after prison, trauma, extended psychiatric intervention etc.)